So in Preview 2, imported a heightmap, setup materials, assigned them to Layer Blend in BP. This defines the Target Layers available for the landscape. Previously, via a right click on a given layer, you could import a weightmp file to associate with a layer, but now when you right click a similar sounding routine says “Import From/Export To File” but it takes you to the import Heightmap panel. Where you are unable to import 8bit images let alone assign them to a layer as a mask. Is there another way to associate a weightmap for this purpose or another workaround. Thanks.
So in reply to my own question for any it might help. I just realised you can setup layer masks when you import the heightmap - not sure how flexable this is however as there doesnt seem to be any way to add additional layers thereafter - but it does at least improve the playing field a little.
HI @Andy_Seabrook I am facing this issue right now. I have exported a couple of weight/splat maps from Houdini with the rocky top alpha layer I want to paint on my landscape, I have everything but I can’t figure out how to make it work. Didi you managed to make it work?. Do I need to start a new landscape and set the layers from the beginning? any advice how you did it? cheers
I got the same issue. Once imported my weight map layers, nothing happens.
I did that, after hitting import nothing updates in game. Pretty sure it got broken in 5.3.
Can confirm, importing weight maps/masks appears to be broken in UE 5.3. I can’t import .raw files as Unreal gives me a red error code saying it doesn’t recognize the bit depth. I tried .r16 and it just doesn’t do anything. (Yes, I checked the Layer Usage in Landscape Mode). PNG 8-bit and 16-bit work but are terrible quality for my 40x40km landscape. Terrible quality as in it looks like Minecraft with PNGs.
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