I get this error importing weightmaps into the layerinfo:
…/Terrain/flow_test.raw’s filesize does not match with current Landscape extent.
I export from World Machine with a Height Output in 8bit RAW. I also tried exporting with Bitmap Output into PNG format, but nothing works. I always get the same error.
I also tried to change the resolution to power of 2 vs the terrain Heightmap which is 4097x.
For anyone that stumbles on this as I did, the answer is on the Landscape tab, under Manage. Make sure to select Change Component Size at the top, and then look at the overall resolution.
I’m facing the same problem and I’m sorry to inform you that your answer is not clear. =p
If I apply the material BEFORE importing the terrain heightmap, everything fits perfectly and every texture is placed where the masks tell them.
If I apply the material after importing the terrain heightmap, then applying texture maps result in the “filesize does not match with current Landscape extent” error.
How is knowing the current terrain resolution going to help me? Do I have to rebake all the maps to that resolution (madness!)? I tried, it doesnt work, I get the same error.