Weekly Journal log about my game progression?

Hey guys, would anybody actually be interested in watch a video once a week kinda like a weekly journal log of how my game has progressed during that week and what i would like to show in the next video and what i am aiming for the following week.i am posting this because i think it could be helpful to other devs and i also dont want to waste my time on something that no one would he interested in.

Some people do other’s do not just keep a log entry for your blog it keeps you motivates as you progress. Also try building up a fanbase show what you have now maybe some artwork, gameplay footage, and anything that makes it interesting and ready to be marketed. Trust me it’s good to build up a good market as soon as possible specially if your game starts to become popular.

Reddit.com/r/gamedev is a fantastic place specially /r/PlayMygame

For a blog, pick one spot to always post it, whether it’s a tumblr, forum thread, youtube channel, etc. In my opinion, most of the time text and images do a better job at keeping people’s interests. Unless a video is needed to demonstrate what is being talked about, or you already have a professional mic/recording setup. Consistency is key.

A journal is great for having a sense of progression, great for marketing, and can actually help get useful feedback.

Thanks for the replys. Yes another reason i was planning on doing the video log s was to gain interest. And to help motivate my self to continue the game development. I was thinking of doing something simular to DayZ’s status reports. If you dont know what the are their just a background photo of the game with text screen shots and a voice overlay. I have not problem doing that as i have a good headset and i know how to render and ect. Just curious as to what people would prefer.


here the link to my first Journal check it out if you have time :smiley: