webview event not be sent to native ue4 app

Engine Version : 4.26.2
Operating System : Big Sir 11.6(20G165)
Target Version : iOS 14

Hi there, I’m developing iOS app communicating with webview. webview is used for deal with login steps and deliver event from web environment to native ue4 app.

it was implemented with wkwebview has decidePolicyForNavigationAction callback.

when login web page be loaded completely, decidePolicyForNavigationAction callback worked properly.

but I entered login information and press the button, it doesn’t do anything.

to debugging from web environment, i used safari developer menu and checked data flow.

After sending a login request, I checked the part where the response data came normally from web server and the data was transferred to the ue4() javascript function but decidePolicyForNavigationAction callback doesn’t work.

If anyone knows about this problem, please help me :slight_smile: