Hello! Using UE 5.4.3 and PixelStreaming, trying to send and receive messages from specific clients (the emitUiInteraction pattern does not include player id and broadcasts to all connections). I’m hoping to dive into the DataChannel delegates provided by PixelStreaming, but whenever I try to actually call methods on DataChannel (SendMessage, or on DataBuffer.data) I get C++ linker errors. I am able to call OnMessageReceived and setup a handler to get to the buffer, I just can’t actually do anything with the buffer:
AssetVizPlayerController.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “void __cdecl rtc::webrtc_checks_impl::FatalLog(char const *,int,char const *,enum rtc::webrtc_checks_impl::CheckArgType const *,…)” (?FatalLog@webrtc_checks_impl@rtc@@YAXPEBDH0PEBW4CheckArgType@12@ZZ)