So i am wondering if there is a way to package/build an Unreal Engine 5 project to the web, similar to how Unity does.
I am aware the capability was taken away after 4.23 (i think) and some of the solutions i could find are basically streaming the game for the player but you would have to build the server at home.
So I am wondering if anyone has any solutions, I specifically need UE5, or am I just better of with unity after all.
4.25 still has html export I think
use that?
there is a limited gltf exporter for ue5
I believe you have to subscribe to the fork of the html git of th engine
there is a specific html 5 ue5 github fork.
You “might” find unity more accessible in this, but 4.25 does work, I tried it.
I don’t see UE5 so that might be your only option is 4.27
a lot of what is in UE5 isn’t supported in webgl anyway
sometimes you have to use the tool that has what you need not the latest one.