WebDev looking to get involved with a Modder

Original: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/discussions/-1/530647080134236369/?appid=346110

WebDev looking to get involved with a Modder

I have experience with php >= 5.4, laravel >= 5.0, html5, bootstrap3, and AWS setup/usage

I’m very interested in creating a server plugin which runs an API for player and tribe management. Being able to monitor things such as:

Players (personal use)

  • total playtime
  • resources list
  • dino list
  • taming calculator
  • level/engram details (available pts/what is trained)
  • killboard - a log of your PvPness! Both tribe and individual


  • member list
  • dino list
  • crop(s) list
  • interactive leafletjs map like (Dynamic Livemap - ARK: Survival Evolved)
  • storage amounts / available resources?
  • blueprint library?
  • scouting reports (tribe profiles with player info, dino info, known locations, maybe even image upload for screenshot scouting, etc…)

… so much more! As long as there is a community for it, I will be playing this game for many years. Trying to help build that community as strong as I can. This is the best way I know I can add something useful

So. Do you mod? Are you interested in creating a server API for a project like this? I don’t think it would actually be that hard to create the sever mod to query information. Creating the webapp and all the functionality I want is where it’s tough. I’ll eventually do both


I don’t think your project is possible at the moment. The only way (and very hard one) would be to modify the server .dll like some people did and get the data of tribes and players there.

@Devs : maybe allow us to print data to a json or xml file ?

I love the idea, but as said the functionality for that isn’t possible. When it is though I’d definitely be down to help out with this type of project.