Web Widget interactiv how to ?

Hey all i dont know em i doing in right topic to ask for help well if is not then move it ok now lets get started i create the widget browser and what i want when i get closer pressing E to detach camera and focus in the 3d widget to interact with browsing and stuff like that and when i am done with browsing i pressing ESC to exit and get back to actor i dont know how to do it if some one can send me some tutorials or something will be cool :slight_smile: tnx for reading

I done it some how but my view canvas or something is not right how i can make it small but to fit in ??

Well i done this one too soo next question for helping so i see ppl not helping me anyway well i will ask so is there a way to interact with UMG some hw to disable keys and everything wile interact with UMG or something…PLZ