Web UI (HTML/CSS/JS Interface Widgets)

hey is there a discord for this? curious as to why VR is not supported. any web browser solution for windows and android VR?

Do you know if its possible to interact with the built-in browser’s cookies? I have a website that currently has persistent login for users, and I want players to not have to log in every time when inside the built-in browser. However, the browser seems to clear all cookies and storage when it closes.

Has anyone been able to optimize the performance? And the black screen problem? I need help, can pay

The plugins have been updated for 5.1 on Github:

WebUI - 5.1 - 5.0 - 4.27
JsonLibrary - 5.1 - 5.0 - 4.27
HttpLibrary - 5.1 - 5.0 - 4.27

They include new UE5 documentation with updated installation instructions to use the Marketplace directory instead of the Messaging and Runtime directories.

If you are experiencing a black screen then you most likely enabled DirectX 12 for Nanite. You will need to go into your widget blueprint and disable accelerated paint on the WebUI widget if you plan on keeping DX12 as your default renderer. This is mentioned under “known issues” on the releases page.

Also I have an update for shared textures in the RHI helper (accelerated paint) and got it working for DirectX 12, but I haven’t had the time to finish it yet. I was hoping 5.1 would have already included DX12 support for accelerated paint so I wouldn’t have to finish it. But as usual, we probably just need to update it ourselves.


Hi, thanks a lot for your contriburion.
In my project, there was a noticeable frame drop when running the WebUI. So far, I found reason is that bAcceleratedPaint is false on Linux. I want to know why linux doesn’t support accelerated paint? Is this related to CEF? What should I do if I want to support accelerated paint on linux?
My project detail info:
UE: 5.0.3
Platform: Linux


Same Problem,Have you solved it?

Has anyone tried packaging on linux, and why does the engineering build fail

Failed to link E:\UE4Project\webui_test\webui_tes\Binaries\Linux\webui after 10 retries

  • Here is my configuration:
    UE 5.0.3
    Cross-compile with windows

  • Can anyone help me? Thank you very much

Hello, I found that UE calls JS relatively slowly. I have a scenario where UE tick converts world coordinates to screen coordinates, and then notifies JS of this location. JS updates the element location based on the coordinates. I compared a UE element with a JS element, and the JS element follows with a significant delay

Can you help me take a look

Seems like, 5.1.1 on my Mac, it loads the CEF x86 framework for WebBrowser plugin, then load again with the same framework URL for WebUI plugin, the result is different. Wondering if the main thread blocks the CEFLibraryLoader to load multiple at the same time or what

Need help too. Btw, I solved this prob temporarily by replacing the “Error” there to “Verbose”.

@ I can’t get a site to broadcast any message to UE blueprint while debuggin on iOS, (not saying that the non-debugging works). I tried putting breakpoint at handleurlchanged executejavascript etc in the xcode but nothing catches the instance where your sample UE “global helper” add a state to the history. I am using UE5.1.1

Hey there, thought I would share my blog post where I go through my journey on how to implement this plugin into my React web application. Hopefully this is helpful to someone:


The WebUI plugin and WebBrowser plugins should not be (and are not designed to be) enabled at the same time. The entire CEF source from the engine has been forked with some significant customizations, so the original WebBrowser code is completely useless, and will absolutely conflict as you are experiencing.

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Thank you for taking the time to write up some detailed documentation for using the plugin with React. Most people don’t take the time to do this or never bother to give us credit for our work. It’s a very detailed and thorough blog post. Good luck with your project!

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The plugins have been updated for 5.2 on Github:

WebUI - 5.2 - 5.1 - 5.0 - 4.27
JsonLibrary - 5.2 - 5.1 - 5.0 - 4.27
HttpLibrary - 5.2 - 5.1 - 5.0 - 4.27

There are currently a few mouse interaction issues on 5.2 when using accelerated paint. So accelerated paint has been temporarily disabled in the example project for now until this is fixed.

It also appears that accelerated paint is now working on DX12, which means accelerated paint should be available when using Nanite. However this could have been due to my outdated graphics driver falling back. I’ll have to do more tests to confirm.

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Hopping to use accelerated paint with nanite…

Hi owners of project!
Is there possibility for you guys to make this work?

backdrop-filter: blur(~);
filter: blur(~);

and jQuery animations for example:

$(document.body).animate({opacity: 1}, 200);


Hello, how to load webfonts?
I got CORS error:

The WebUI plugin has been removed from GitHub and is now available on our website instead as paid plugin. However you will need to login via GitHub on our website to confirm you have access to the GitHub repository.