At this moment, if I’ll try to find something on and try to open one of result in new tab (with clicking on link with MMB or from RMB context menu) it won’t work. It will open link in my current window with search results.
Very unusefull.
Guys, we are dying here…
Whaaaaayyyy!? hm…Same problem here.
After thorough review of UnrealEngine.com, I have verified that MMB opens the link you were hovering over originally. I also have verified that RMB by clicking on ‘open in a new tab’ also opens up the new link in a new tab. If you or anyone else happens to still be experiencing this issue, please let us know which browser you’re using, so we can forward this bug along to the proper department.
Thank you!
Hi ,
Thank you for answer. I’m still experience that problem in Chrome browser.
Which version of Chrome are you using? I have been able to double click the middle mouse button, and a new tab opens up for me. I’ve also been able to right mouse click on a link, and the option to open the link in a new tab or window appears for me as well.
I’m currently using: Chrome Version 41.0.2272.101 m (64-bit)
Thank you!
I have same version. Windows 7 64-bit
Maybe we are talking about different search results?
For example one link in that result: Suche - Unreal Engine
Still have same problem and all other team members.
I have successfully been able to right click and open the result in a new tab on ‘Education Program’ which is under Academia. That page did open without any trouble, in a new tab. When I use the middle mouse button on the same ‘Education Program’ it will open up within a new tab. Although when I scrolled down, I was not able to middle mouse button on the actual hyperlink for ‘Unreal Engine | UMaterialInterface::GetRenderProxy’ and have it open in a new tab. When I middle mouse button clicked on ‘Unreal Engine | UMaterialInterface::GetRenderProxy’, it opened the result up in the same page and I had to hit the ‘back’ button.
Are these the exact same results that you’re receiving?
Thank you!
When I middle mouse button clicked on ‘Unreal Engine | UMaterialInterface::GetRenderProxy’, it opened the result up in the same page and I had to hit the ‘back’ button.
Yes, that’s the problem. MMB, or trying to open link in new window with pressed CTRL button.
Thanks for verifying what I was seeing as what you were seeing originally. I have checked in our system and this issue has been entered in as a bug. If for any reason you need to reference this report, please refer to: TON-8887
Thank you!
You’re very welcome!
I also had this problem.
Thanks for the great question!