Web Marketplace Bug

Just letting you know, If you head to the “Vault” and right click an object (To open it in a new tab) in Google Chrome, it takes you to a 404 page.

hi Kitatus,

I have not this problem , but i know what you are talking because ,sometime i have this problem with documentation .
Too ! As I said yesterday in the Twitch Live , Prices in €uro are broken :


And please let us change our rating for products. I accidentally clicked 3 stars intending to click 5, because the site took so much time to show the stars when I clicked “rate now” or whatever it says, that I thought I had miss clicked and did it again.

We’ve never seen this issue before. I’d really like to know more about what you’re seeing here.

Could you elaborate? Where does this happen in the documentation? What are the exact steps to reproduce this behavior?

I use the documentation for about 7-8 times (About an hour and a half a day) and have never experienced this in Google Chrome.