Weather Effects on Terrain

Hi guys

It’s my first time using the Unreal 4 Engine and I’m looking for any tips or tutorials on how to create different weather effects on terrain. For example; shine for a wet surface, roughness for a dry one, and so on (These are the main two, any others are stretch goals).

I’ve done this same task in Unity 5, and I was wondering if Unreal 4 had any other methods of completing of doing so.

Thank you for your help!

You could use a Material Parameter Collection to drive the roughness value via a blueprint.

Take a look at this tutorial: ?v=D_6VKS2nNMU It’s on german, but you will see how to create such a material + how to control it with a blueprint :slight_smile:

Brilliant, I’ll have a look at these today, thanks both! :smiley:

Either modify material or add some sort decal that modifies gbuffer directly.
Wetness look darkens albedo, flattens normal map towards vertex normal and makes roughness goes toward zero.
There is great article series about wet look. /