weapons will not drag and drop from folder nothing happens when i try to add a weapon
Hey there @TooTunes! Welcome to the community! We need a bit more information about what you’re dragging and to where. Are you attempting to drag a weapon mesh out of the content browser?
thank you for replying iv never used unreal before so im sorry in advance if im not familiar. but yes when i open a new project or existing project and i go to the fortnite weapons folder and try to place a weapon down nothing happens the mouse hand does its animation for grabbing and letting go but no item appears on the map, all other folders work i can place buildings and lights axc. but no weapons will place down and no errors appear saying there is a problem.
Understandable! Just to note, you ended up posting on the purely Unreal Engine side of the forums (ie making other games outside of Fortnite), though the Unreal Engine for Fortnite side will often yield better results when asking questions specifically from there. I don’t personally have experience with UEFN, though I’ll give it an update and see the expected behavior. I know previously Fortnite creative had to use devices to spawn weapons, so it may be the case you want a specific device.
I’d review this Boxfight tutorial from the official documentation to see how the weapons are handled: