Weapon switching and pickup system.HELP IM LOSING MY MIND

Thank you to anyone who is reading this, I’ve just about about lost my sanity.

Currently I’m trying to make a weapon system that is identical to halo’s, I can pick up two weapons and if I try to pick up another it swaps it out with the one in my hand. I have it to where when I press “E” my character checks if there are any overlapping actors, and if it’s my Weapon Base BP, all my other weapons are child blueprints of this. If both check out then it sends a “Pickup” message to the weapon BP.

From the Weapon BP it checks if there is an equipped weapon, if false if attaches itself to the child actor “WeaponInHand”(on my character) and sets itself as the “Equipped Weapon”. If there is already a weapon equipped it checks “EquipedWeaponBack” to see if there’s one on my back, if not it puts itself there, If true it detaches the one in my hand and makes itself the new “EquippedWeapon”.

The problem is I can equip the first 2 weapons no problem but once I try to get another or swap it out is detaches both weapons and gets the new one, then after that it only lets me swap out and hold one weapon.
Sorry this is kinda long, any help would be greatly appreciated!

(I’ll post a picture of the BPs once I get back to my computer)

Hey there @Rabbot_06! Welcome to the community! Judging by your logic it sounds like you could have two problems. One being the attachment going wrong (likely logic order being wrong) for part of the condition check for both weapons, or you could be mismatching weapons. Without seeing the full BP it could also be a handful of other issues.

I’ve deleted and rebuilt it multiple times and this is the closest I could get, I thought it would work but now it doesn’t even pick up the first weapon.
Below is what I have in my Character’s BP.

Here’s the Overlap Bool in the Weapon Base BP

And casting for primary and secondary weapons.


@SupportiveEntity , if you know of another way to go about a weapon system (preferably similar to halo’s) that would be greatly appreciated as starting over would probably be easier. Also if you did want a better look at the system I have (its not very good) here are links to the BPs.
BP in the Weapon Base
Weapon System (Broken, doesn’t work ATM) posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine
and in the character’s BP
Weapon System (Broken, doesn’t work ATM) In Character BP posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine