Okay so I am trying to make UI where player can select the weapon they are going to use in the next level. I have different blueprints for each weapon, so my question is: how I can make the selected weapon to spawn without having to make reference for every weapon and running complicated check in my character blueprint?
I dont know how to get around having to reference each weapon class at least once,
and that would be in a Class array you can manually fill. Store that in an actor or object separate from the Player stuff.
Player’s available weapon choices are created from that array.
Then when the player selects the weapon, store the selection in a single Class var stored on a persistent object such as the GameInstance.
When the next level starts and spawns the weapon, have it refer to that selected weapon class variable that is still sitting the in the persistent object by plugging it into the Spawn Actor node’s class pin.
Okay, that sounds at least a bit better. What type I should choose to the array type so the return value is compatible with actor class?
Actually, I got it working, thank you so much for your help!