Hi, im trying to make my gun to go from idle, to OutOfAmmo on its animblueprint when the ammo of the WeaponBaseBP reaches 0, i actually achieved for the ammo value to be sent into the animbp so i could make the whole behaviour, my only problem is that the ammo value doesnt seem to be updated at realtime. lets say i start with 0 bullets in my gun, i launch the game and my gun starts in OutOfAmmo state (working properly as intended), but if i begin with 1 bullet and fire it, my gun doesnt go to OutOfAmmo state, and if i make a print string on the ammo value in my anim blueprint it is always set to whatever ammo i set, but never goes down when i shot (even when my gun reaches 0 ammo and cant fire anymore)
try using boolean instead of integer in animBP.
i tried making the outofammo boolean, by on the weapon bp making ammo equals 0 then that made a variable, passed into the animbp, but it didnt work. maybe something wrong with my ammo system? could it be?
Can you post some code for us to double check?
i posted it as an answer