Weapon Holster w/ Animation or Physics - Part of the Rig or in Engine?

Hey guys!
If you have a weapon holster that sways with physics but also follows the leg joint for instance.
Would you create a joint parented to the rest of the rig and bind the holster to it or would you parent it somehow in engine?
I would prefer the latter but not sure if that’s an ideal approach or how to go about it but maybe it’s best to have it in the original skeleton / rig?
I know that if the holster was simply parented to a joint and would just need to follow it then parenting to a socket or something would have been enough but the added animations is what I’m curious about.
The reason I’d like it outside of the skeleton rig is because my character has different states in the game, one without any weapons or holsters and one with, and I’d like to use most of the same animations for different states and I find it odd to have floating joints for holsters that don’t exist.

Would love to know what you think.
Thank you!!