I’m having issues with setting up my character so that his left hand sits on a 2 handed weapon using Two Bone IK and FABRIK nodes. I tried several YT tutorials and none worked. To try and narrow down the problem I set it up again using a brand new Third Person project. Here are the 2 problems that I’m having:
The position of the left elbow seems off even after numerous attempts to move the Joint Target Location of the Two Bone IK node. Currently it’s setup like this:
When I change the character’s pose, the hand no longer sticks to the weapon.
You can see both problems in the following image:
Here’s how I set things up:
The character’s skeleton has a socket for attaching the weapon to the right hand:
The weapon has a skeleton and I created a socket for where the left hand should go:
In the blueprint via tick I calculate the position of the weapon’s socket and pass it to the animation blueprint via an interface:
In the animation blueprint I update a transform variable via the blueprint interface:
The animation blueprint uses a Layered Blend Per Bone to update the upperbody pose to the weapon holding one and then I setup the Two Bone IK and FABRIK nodes as I saw in the numerous tutorials that I’ve watched. Here’s what it looks like:
Without the Two Bone IK and FABRIK, the left hand is positioned on the axe correctly, it just doesn’t follow the idle/breathing animation, it kind of floats around where it’s supposed to be.
Any ideas what I’m doing wrong and how I can fix my 2 issues?