Weapon equipping


I am fairly new at UE4 and the forums as you can probably see. I’ve tried to search common threads but no one is really having the same problem as me when it comes to making a weapon equipping system. I’ve followed a tutorial on YouTube which pointed me to something that would create a Blueprint Interface and then call that interface in order to place a weapon into a skeletal mesh’s custom socket, after the player has collided with the object and presses “f”. The only problem I am having is that when I do so in game, my player character is stuck where he picked the weapon up in the first place.

I hate posting without doing everything I can to try and figure out the problem myself, but this one is a doozy. I’m guessing it has something to do with the different actors I’m calling for world location changes, but I just can’t spot the mistake. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:
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You are detaching the players mesh and setting its location to where the axe is. When you press F you should attach the axe BP actor to a socket on your players mesh with Attach Actor to Component node and specify the bone you’d like to attach to. You might also have to disable collision for the axe or it will make your character glitch out.

In the screenshots you’re detaching the Mesh component which is the skeletal mesh of the character.

If you look at the screenshot attached, I have the “detach from component” detach from the character. The screenshot here shows that. Is there a different way I’m supposed to do this? I have the BP you see here in the actual weapon’s BP. This (at least from what I can grasp lol) is telling the weapon to either detach or attach to the player depending on if the player already has the axe equipped.

Thank you so much for the early response! I truly appreciate anyone on this forum lol

Finally got it! Thanks so much for the easy fix!