Hi it’s still me, . Today I made my first weapon and everything is ok but then I noticed that the model of the weapon clipped through everything: walls,floor,ceiling,even npc. So I made an animation where the player pull up the weapon (like this ) when he’s near a wall but there’s a big problem scilicet when I go near a wall the player pulls up his weapon but when I walk away from the wall he continues to play that animation. How I can fix this?
All you have to do is to reverse the animation. Just give the animation a negative play rate on end overlap.
Do you mean in animation blueprint? Or in my player blueprint? Here’s my player blueprint anyway
Dont use a line trace for this. Use a collision sphere or box. Parent the character to the sphere and then use the overlap events.
ok I figured it out but I have a last question: how I should make the animation where the weapon is pulled up? Because If i copy the idle animation, make a montage with the copied animation and modify the pose (pulling up the arms and the weapon) all the animations change
Imgur: The magic of the Internet idle animation before making cover animation
I copy the animation and I change the pose ONLY on the copied file
This is what happen to all my animation
Imgur: The magic of the Internet running animation
Imgur: The magic of the Internet idle animation (equal to the cover one I made before)
Probably this is a stupid problem for you but I don’t know how to edit only the animation pose I want without changing all poses and searching didn’t help me.