I am currently using a combo attack system for my character,
I’m able to to damage the enemy and kill him but my issue is i cant DISABLE the capsule collision i have on the weapon, both after enemy dies and during my attacks the collision capsule continues to damage my enemy and resets his death animation over and over.
can anyone give some help on how to disable the collision on my weapons
Would this help turn off the weapons collision between attacks?
im able to disable it on my AI enemies so they only damage me when they swing there weapons, but for my own player i cant work out how to work it since my weapon capsules are on differant blueprints so i can use animation notifies to stop the collision like i can with the AI
been goin nuts with this for 2 weeks
that hurt stun invincibility would stop each attack from hitting the enemy repeatedly. if you want to disable collision once an attack is complete, you can change its collision at any time, by calling SetCollisionObjectType or SetCollisionResponseToChannel, on your collision component.
but don’t turn off your weapons collision after you deal damage to an enemy, because there might be multiple enemies that should get hit. ideally your collision should be changed based on anim notifies or frame data for each attack, and to prevent enemies getting hit multiple times per attack, you can implement a hurt stun invincibility, like i described above.
thanks for the help mate, ill see if i can find a way to see how this is put in action,
I’v had to watch alot of tutorials since i have some issues with working this stuff from reading lol