Weapon blueprints

Hi, i was wondering can anyone tell me how to equip a weapon blueprint from my inventory?
there are lots of tutorials on equipping weapons that are static meshes (usually guns since ppl are fps crazy)
but just equipping the mesh doesnt equip the collicion capsules that are in the weapons blueprint.
i been hunting a solution for weeks any help would be great

yea i have been able to attach meshes fine from inventory i just cant get a system for collision to work

here we go, - YouTube

or the hole thread i found here “how to attach BP to skeletal mesh socket - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums

What i was implementing last time, is a bp that was always attached to a player, but collision for that weapon bp was enabled only when character was picking up sword for example…but you must find your best way to handle it.

adjust collision on the tip of the weapon …

been tryin to, but my inventory system spawns the static mesh of the weapon, the collision is with the blueprint

if you don’t wan’t to make changes to your current system, try to spawn an empty bp with the collision only, and attach it to the weapon socket, when equipping static mesh, although you will need different types of collision for different types of weapons

yep, thats exacly my main issue, getting the collision to do different damage based on which weapon is equipped