Wchar.h - file not found:

Since this “issue” seems to be recurring and this is the first hit on , I’ll write down what my solution was here for any that come after. In general, you are probably either not getting android ndk from codeworks or getting the wrong version from codeworks. The correct one is the one shipped with that particular version of UE4 that you are using.

I initially tried to use the android sdk/ndk that you install through Android Studio when using UE4 4.18 + arcore, that gave me the wchar.h issue.

When I installed the codeworks from the UE4 folder Engine\Extras\AndroidWorks\Win64 and pointed the paths there, everything worked fine.

So I guess they have done some changes or set some paths in that install compared to default ndk installation that UE4 then come to depend upon.

I had same issue on UE 4.17.2
and It is fixed after I install ndk-r14b and set windows environment variable NDKROOT, and I run UE4.17 editor > Edit > project settings > Platforms > Android > configure for android

Thanks, this worked great! I’m on Windows 10, used VS 2017 to build UE4 + ARCore and ran into a couple more roadblocks, read below:

I’m on “4.18.3-0+++UE4+Release-4.18” + arcore and ran into the same issue. Installing codeworks and setting the Project Settings->Platforms - Android SDK to the paths in worked, no more wchar.h file not found error.

Missing Libraries:
I also had to run Setup.bat to make sure the proper dependencies were downloaded for the SDKs installed by codeworks.

Android Support Repository License:
I also didn’t have all the right licenses files which caused Gradle to fail. Running sdkmanager.bat --licenses from my Android Studio install and then copying them over to the Android SDK folder from my Android Studio SDK fixed that. See: [Mettre à jour l'IDE et SDK Tools  |  Android Developers][1]

I Delete from C:/ and download NVIDIA CodeWorks for Android 1R7 from link:

and then Re-install SDK newest from NVIDIA CodeWorks . Edit link

And It working

This answer works, I had an updated ndk version (ndk 17) that i had used successfully on an old project, but following this answer I set up ndk 12 for my current project, which was giving me the above mentioned error, and it worked