For example, there are different terrains and different race. It costs two energy point to walk on terrain mountain for human while terrain plains only cost one enery point. Things may be different when comes to race of birdman. I need to design a way to store the relationship. For the simplest way, I can implement a struct called TerrainCost with several property named with different race, and designer can just simply fill in the data. But it will gonna be difficult if the designer told me that we gonna add an extra race because I need to change my code. I also need to maintain a data structure mapping the description of race and the row in the TerrainCost Table if I choose this way. I wonder ask if there exists any mechanism allow me to create two tables recording description of terrains and races respectively and create a table to link them to record their relationship like energy point cost and any other information, just like what we tend to do when using database like mysql.
You could create a struct with 2 datatable hadles, then create a new datatable out of the struct.
Assign 1 data table to your Race DT and one to your Terrain DT.
It’s not ideal but probably the closest you will get to a pseudo relative database structure.
The larger problem is the lack of joins and search via child table variables.
Does it exists any maybe more brilliant way to avoid the problem, instead of creating a relationship table to store the data ?
Unreal isn’t really build with internal databases in mind.
There is a thread that already in some way tackles this suggesting using multiple save games
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