Waypoint arrow not pointing to checkpoint.

I have two objects in my game: a pawn that I’m controlling and an empty actor that I’m using as a checkpoint. I also have a waypoint arrow (Actor) in the HUD. The waypoint arrow is in the game environment with a ‘green screen’ and a 2DSceneCapture, such that the waypoint arrow can be rotated and shown in the UI w/o the background (only the arrow is shown).

The waypoint arrow in the HUD is supposed to point to the checkpoint, and update based on the pawn’s location and the pawn’s camera rotation. However, I can’t seem to make it work. It either spins erratically or only moves slightly based on the player’s location.

This is what I currently have:

Here are my objects:

And here’s the WaypointCaptureBlueprint in the environment:

I’m coding in the WaypointCaptureBlueprint to set the rotation of the WaypointArrowActor.

For the rinterp, you need to have the current set to the current arrow rotation and the target set to the required rotation. That’s how it works.

So the target looks good ( I think, tired ), but the current needs to just GetWorldRotation on the arrow.

So when I did that, the rotation of the arrow didn’t change (even when I swapped the ‘Start’ and ‘Target’ inputs to the ‘Find Look At Rotation Node’):

I’m getting the waypoint arrow to update in relation to the pawn if I don’t rotate the camera with this setup:

I believe I just need to modify the output of the ‘Find Look At Rotation’ in relation to the camera rotation.

Figured it out. Once I got the rotation from ‘Find Look at Rotation’, which gives you the rotation in terms of the pawn’s location, I just needed to do some fancy maths to modify that output to put the rotation in terms of the camera.

Here’s my solution so no one needs to spend DAYS trying to figure this out: