WaterBodyOcean Unreal 5.4 and Movie Render Queue

Can anyone confirm functionality with WaterBodyOcean and Sequencer/Movie Render Queue in Unreal 5.4?

Was working fine in my 5.3 version - I jumped the gun and moved to 5.4 for rigging features and now it looks like I’m stuck in between versions.

It might just be a me thing, I tried creating a test scene from scratch and it appears to be conistently not rendering through MRQ.

Any ideas?


Im having the same issue, no water body is rendering through movie queue anymore, for some strange reason

I am having the exact same issue. I’m a newbie to Unreal and haven’t tried rendering out a scene with water until 5.4, so I thought I may have messed up some of the settings, but even after trying various settings on the body surface, I am getting a blank space in my render.

Ive been trying to render a movie (no water other than tears) using ffmeg+settings to kick out an mp4. I got it to work once when switching between render (legacy) and movie render queue. Just once = queue the tears.

hi, try this : Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-213949)

This is a rendering problem rather than a MRQ specific problem. They are going to see if they can get this fixed for the next 5.4 hotfix.

Try r.water.waterinfo.rendermethod 2 in the meantime