Water volumes climbs to land

Got a huge problem out of nowhere. added Water plugin to my project, then started adding the lakes. (Water body lake). everything went smooth, got it looking good, saved project and was happy.
next day i come back to continue it, and the water has “climbed” to the lands, which makes no sense since the lands are higher up, and now almost my whole landscape is covered in this “water tint”, and i cant find a way to remove it… at first it went off if i painted the texture to the landscape again, from tile to to tile, but my landscape if f’''kin huge, so it would take forever, so i´ve been trying other ways.
I removed the water plugin, removed every water item from the level, restarted the editor 10 times, nothing helps.
now i cant get the tint off the landscape tiles even with painting, its just stuck there…

Any ideas?

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Hey there @yhh0k8efk65! I wonder, does the color correct itself when you get close? I’m thinking it may have to do with your HLODs. If possible, back your project up somewhere safe, then delete and rebuild your HLODs. (You could also rebuild the entire level’s data if you wanted to be thorough/won’t be losing anything important in the process).

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Hmmm how is your landscape material setup? Is the texture space shared:wrapped for each of the texture nodes?

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cleaning a little bit up, as the water now stays in their place and the problem is found, but dont know how to solve it. problem is;

Theres black, very dark shadows around some items, on my meshes on some polygons, on my landscape on some tiles etc. they are like black, very dark. theres 2 images under this text, where i rotate the same mesh around 180 degrees and it gets normal / black. lighting seems to make no difference, i have dynamic lighting.
if the sun is exactly at right spot, the mesh ones seems allmost same color, but the landscape tile ones doesnt. if i turn the sun even more, the meshes now light turn black, and the ones now black turn light. i have tried turning shadows off from different things, i´ve deleted all lighting and rebuilt everything from start etc. and the problem doesnt seem to go away.

if i delete the normal map from materials, they turn light, exept the landscape ones, they stay dark. if i turn specular to 0 on them, they become normal color.

any ideas, how to troubleshoot more? what to try? in what direction is the source of the problem?

if i sculp huge hill on my dark landscape tiles, the hill has one side lighted, like the sun would be too low or similar, but even when the sun is exactly at the top, that doesnt help the situation.