Watch input folder for "live photogrammetry"


A kind of simple feature request;

I’d like to be able to add one folder to a project as a “watch folder”. When new images are emerging there, RC would automatically add them to the project and start background feature detection.

This would allow me to quickly drop images to my laptop for processing a preview model while still taking additional images on site. For example, shoot one battery of images with a drone and when swapping next battery in, also drop images from SD card to the laptop for RC to chew on images for a preview alignment. After shooting is finished, preview model is available faster and I could use easily pick a weak or empty area to reshoot before leaving the site.

You can get around this for now by making a .rccmd file that is simply

-addfolder C:\yourfolder\
-addfolder C:\yourfolder\
-addfolder C:\yourfolder\
-addfolder C:\yourfolder\

drag and drop that into RC PPI/CLI and it will align for as many times as you list.
One thing to note is you could just have a single loop of it, and then drag it in as needed, so you don’t need to manually import images.


on the other hand, a folder monitor/background updating function would be amazing

something like that has been asked here: