I have to manually manage the focus between viewport and various widgets.
I’m setting/unsetting the focus with calls like those:
FSlateApplication::Get().SetUserFocusToGameViewport(0, EFocusCause::SetDirectly);
And i’m using the player controller’s functions to check which inputs are up/down:
And the likes.
My problem is that as soon as i set the keyboard focus on a widget, the PC’s functions cease to work correctly and give incorrect information.
For example, IsInputKeyDown gives a false while i’m pressing the button, WasInputKeyJustRelease is called right after i click the button, things like that.
I suspect somehow the widget stop propagating the info to the PC, or maybe setting the focus automatically releases the mouse button ?
Anyway, is there a way to have those function correctly working independantly of who has the focus ? Like forcing the widget to let the info get to the PC, or trap the info before it gets caught by the widget ?