WASD Not working in PIE mode

My game uses WASD to move the player around. I have mapped the key to events and all that. It works fine if I directly run the game with the Launch Game menu option, but in the editor when I hit the Play arrow WASD do not work. I put in print statements on the events and they are not even arriving in the blueprint.
This worked fine a few days ago but now has stopped working for no apparent reason.

Any ideas why?

that’s strange.
Can you show me your action inputs and your blueprint?

Maybe input mode is not set to “Game Only” ?

We need more details to be able to help you out. Simply stating your keys do not work doesnt help.
Screen shots of your game mode, controller and inputs will be a good start.

Strange, it now works just fine.

Had installed UE4 onto a Surface Pro and it took about 6 hours to compile shaders. During that time, none of the inputs worked during PIE. Could be related ?