"Was Actor Recently Rendered" and Frustum Culling.

Let me preface this by saying I’m new to Unreal.
I’m also not sure if this belongs here or in rendering.

I created an NPC that only moves when not in view of the camera, the AI checks for this using the “Was Actor Recently Rendered” node. (Because the more popular method of converting the object’s world location to screen location and checking if it’s within the screen bounds does not seem to work in first person for some reason)

I assumed that it can also move when obstructed from the camera by an object (a wall for example) because of Frustum Culling, which to my knowledge is turned on by default in every Unreal project.

This does not appear to be the case, the NPC does not move when hidden by a wall, if I keep it with in the camera’s FOV.

What do I do?

EDIT: Here’s the blueprint if it helps.

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Didn’t solve the Frustum culling issue but…
Turns out a combination of checking if the NPC is being rendered OR checking if a linetracer shot by the NPC towards the player is blocked by anything will do the trick.

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