WARTILE - A Timed Based Game

GamePlay & UI

When things happen to you

A lot of things have happened during the last two weeks, and we are looking forward to share it with you.
I know we have not shared much on game play and its about time we start doing that.

The first update is the Event Cards, that is used when the other player (enemy AI) trigger a event on the level.

In this example, it’s Heavy reinforcements that spawns new enemies. We also have EventCards for Ambush, Roadblocks, and secret passage that can be triggered, with more to come.

Early alpha demo

A fun DEMO

So we finally manage to develop a DEMO of WARTILE, with a full gameplay loop. It looks good, plays well and is actually really fun. A good place to move forward from.
The DEMO still need lack many key features, but that is what we will work on for the next few months.

Please enjoy our small In game footage of the Early Alpha DEMO, and remember everything is still work in progress.


Support from the DFI

The Danish Film Institute have supported WARTILE through the Danish Game Scheme. That is not only a big recognition of our hard work and the potential of the project but a great financial boost toward the Vertical slice we have started to make.


Even the Vikings celebrate this as the first of many victories to come…

Congrats guys!

if i approved of this any harder i’d break something.


Guard Towers

We just added interactive landmarks to Wartile.

Landmarks are buildings or other types of structures that often is used as objectives at the battle map.

In our Demo map, we have added a Guard tower. The Guard tower can be taken by smashing the entry door and killing the enemy inside.

The tower is a strong defensive structure when populated with enemy Archers.

The option to burn the towers is in the works.

The whole tabletop look is awesome - like an interactive diorama.
I grew up with all sorts of table top miniature games and the look of the game really captures the essence (for lack of a better word) of tabletop gaming. Great work!

I especially like the cutoff-look of the water. It reminds me of the way water is done with resin on miniature bases and it is a pretty unique style for a video game.

Thanks for the positive feedback, we are glad to hear that we are getting close the miniature and tabletop feel. I also believe the Cutoff can be some kind of trademark for our art stile, right now we work on a winter landscape in the mountains where its a hillside being cutoff :slight_smile:

This is very nice, also concept and the environment looks awesome!

This really hypes me! As a long time tabletop fan playing Warhammer and others, this tile based game looks very promising. Imagine playing Wartile multiplayer while wearing a Rift or Vive and using the halfmoon or lighthouse controllers to touch and move the miniatures. If you go for multiplayer VR, I will definitely buy it! Keep up the good work!

Great looking game, definitely keeping an eye on you guys as time goes on. Haven’t seen anything quit like this in a long time! Super excited!

Kia ora

Looks great, BTW it got an instant retweet when I sparked it up on Twitter

Milestone Greenlight and Unreal Community Spotlight

First thanks for all the positive feedback we receive from all you guys, its very motivating.

Half Milestone Green-light

Today our Half Milestone was green lit by the Danish Film Institute. That was a great step, where we proved game stability, functionality and game play value. Next Milestone will have focus on art close to production value and Unit management and player progression.

Community Spotlight

Huge thanks to the Unreal Team for putting us on the front page as Community spotlight, its a welcome recognition and a incredible boost to thread views that have rocketed since Thursday.

Things like that, is great for small teams working hard against all odds to create something they believe in.

Character Design

Viking Warrior

I would like to share the steps that we have gone through, in the creative direction of our Viking Warrior from Concept to in-game model.

Note that our Character artist is working off-site so all communication have been through mail and Skype correspondence.

This project is looking awesome.


Action cards

With these cards the play can change the way of the battle.


Action cards are godly or tactical powers that the player can “Play” during game, such as Kiss of the Norse good of healing Eri, that will heal you figurines, or the mighty battle horn that will encourage your Vikings to fight and die harder for you.

The use of action cards are depended on a resource called battle points that you earn during the game.

Art & Level design

Preview of out new Battlemap

Just wanted to share a quick preview of our new Battle map.

This is both in art and level design very different from the other battle map (The monastery) as this one is set in the mountains of Norway.

This map introduce guard towers with archers, sudden reinforcements and ambushes, combined with a steep climb towards the Bridge of sorrows that the player will find in the end.


Learning to know your audience

Last weekend we went to Comic Con in malmô. It was a great opportunity to share and show WARTILE with the audience.

It was a great experience to see people play the game and hear their feedback afterwards.

One of the key learning’s is that to show a game at a exhibition it needs a very low barrier of entrance for people to bother, learn to play right there.

Next time we attend a exhibition I think we will try setup a multiplayer session, since most people visit with friends and multiplayer always create a lot of energy.

Look amazing, very impressive. Is everything coded in blueprint or some parts in c++?

Hi Grinvon

Its a mix, I would say 80 % is done in blueprint. We value very high that level and game designers have easy access to the code in order to create, adjust, test or fix mechanics.