Warnings when characters stand on blueprints

LogNetPackageMap:Warning: FNetGUIDCache::SupportsObject: StaticMeshComponent /Game/Maps/UEDPIE_2_Example_Map.Example_Map:PersistentLevel.Cube06_Blueprint_C_0.Cube06_0 NOT Supported.
LogNetPackageMap:Warning: FNetGUIDCache::SupportsObject: StaticMeshComponent /Game/Maps/UEDPIE_1_Example_Map.Example_Map:PersistentLevel.Cube06_Blueprint_C_0.Cube06_0 NOT Supported.
LogNetPlayerMovement:Warning: ClientAdjustPosition_Implementation could not resolve the new relative movement base actor, ignoring server correction!

I only get these warnings when my character is standing on a blueprint object. How can I stop these from occurring? Thet NetGUIDCache one even happens if the blueprint’s transform is static.

this seems to be related to the nav mesh & multiplayer for me - if i delete the abstract navmeshdata it seems to go away… but it comes back later because I assume unreal auto inserts it if its not there.