Warning when packaging: Steam API disabled!

but that seems to be in packaging, the same thing apper in packaged game? Looking on source code this message apper when bEnableSteam is false in Engine.ini


When we package our project, we do not get errors, but within the first ten lines in the output log, this warning appears:

MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: LogOnline:Display: STEAM: Loading Steam SDK 1.32
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steam API disabled!
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: LogOnline:Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()

What could cause the Steam API to get disabled?

(We used [this wiki entry from ][1] for integrating Steam to our project, everything, except Server Travel ([same issue as in our previous project][2]) works in the packaged project)

A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
[2]: Clients lose connection during ServerTravel with OnlineSubSystem Steam - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums

Indeed, in Unreal Engine\4.11\Engine\Programs\UnrealPak\Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs\Engine.ini I found:
However, should´nt it be overridden by the DefaultEngine.ini in the project? Because there it is enabled:

Your link seems to leed to a 404…

The packaging tool is not a game exe, so it does not need to load the steam online interface, this warning is expected in this case.

I should be, but i dont think it in CoalescedSourceConfigs. You logs seems to be from packageing, did you check if Steam APIs are active in packaged game?

Also it gives you 404 because it denies you access, you need to tie you GitHub and UE4 account first:

Makes sense to me.
But since our [Steam integration has some serious issues][1], we try to [track down whatever could be the cause][2]. And, thereby, this warning came to our attention… :slight_smile:

Clients lose connection during ServerTravel with OnlineSubSystem Steam - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums
[2]: How to integreate Steamworks v136 or v132 to UE4.11 project? - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums

I should be, but i dont think it in CoalescedSourceConfigs.
What should not be in CoalescedSourceConfigs?
You logs seems to be from packageing, did you check if Steam APIs are active in packaged game?
Yes, the log is from packaging. Our Steam integration works in most aspects (Steam Overlay, We find Sessions over Steam and can join Servers (Listen Server)), but [we have serious issues with ServerTravel][1].
This is why [we investigate whatever could cause the issues…][2]. Is there a certain way to check if the Steam API is active with BPs?

Also it gives you 404 because it denies you access, you need to tie you GitHub and UE4 account first
Alright thanks. Did not knew that, as I had my own Github account before…

Clients lose connection during ServerTravel with OnlineSubSystem Steam - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums
[2]: How to integreate Steamworks v136 or v132 to UE4.11 project? - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums

That package log is unrealated and logs you gave in other quastion shows steam APIs working. It seems that server drops client

[2016.02.26-17.30.51:480][427]LogNet:Warning: Network Failure: GameNetDriver[ConnectionLost]: Your connection to the host has been lost.

And there not much on server side, there is

[2016.02.26-17.30.38:473][352]LogNet: Login request: /Game/Environment/TestTrack02?game=/Game/Gameplay/BaseBlueprints/GM_Base.GM_Base_C?Name= userId: 

Maybe client don’t login correcly and Steam order to drop client, can you check if client is drop in exact same time

Maybe client don’t login correcly and Steam order to drop client, can you check if client is drop in exact same time
Do you mean a certain time after they joined? Or at a certain time compared to events on the server?

It is not a certain time frame after the player has joined, but the connection losses only appear, whenever we use ServerTravel ([in a slightly modified form][1]). When the “play”-map is loaded and a player joins, we can test as long as we want without disconnects…

How to use different GameModes for one level in a Multiplayer Game with Blueprints? - Multiplayer & Networking - Epic Developer Community Forums

Hey Syrill,

Here is a link to our [documentation on networking][1] which you may find useful. With that being said, I can enter a bug for the issue you are seeing. However, I will need to have your exact reproduction steps and I need to know whether or not this occurs without 's plugin as we do not assist with plugin complications, you’d have to speak with if that was the cause.

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks! :slight_smile:

Networking and Multiplayer in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

Thanks for your kind message and a good documentation is always welcome! :wink:

But I guess it is no bug after all. I am not using ´s plugin and I am pretty sure that our Steam integration works fine. The only issue left is, that Steam seems not to support non-seamless travel and [we are already working on finding a way for this matter][1]. :slight_smile:

How to change what persists during Seamless Travel? - Multiplayer & Networking - Epic Developer Community Forums

Hi Syrill, I’ve got the same problem. Have you solved it yet ? Would you tell me the solution please :smiley:

Hello good! I’m trying to integrate the APPID provided by SteamWork into my game, but I don’t know how to implement it.
I’ve searched everywhere for information and haven’t found anything.
I don’t know if it is 100% necessary to have the “SteamCore” plugin.
If someone knows how to integrate the “APPID” to my Unreal project, I would appreciate it!