[2024.03.25-21.01.17:236][335]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘Unaccounted’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:244][337]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:249][338]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:253][339]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:258][340]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:263][341]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:268][342]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:272][343]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:277][344]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:281][345]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:287][346]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:292][347]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:296][348]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:301][349]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:306][350]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
[2024.03.25-21.01.17:316][352]LogRendererCore: Warning: Query ‘EndOfFrameUpdates’ not ready.
… (Repeats itself until my GPU crashes)
That is what the log tells me every time I minimize my Login screen for my game. Only my log in screen and it wont do it if there is an character in the level moving.
GameMode Override is set to GameMode and I have a simple player start with with Widget to create Login screen.
If I change it to be the Third person Game mode the issue stops. Remove character from screen and it starts again.
The main menu also uses the basic GameMode but has a character Idling in the background and does not share the same issue as the login.
I have deleted and recreated login level.
I have updated drivers.
It really seems like if I have nothing going on in the level It flips a lid and I don’t know how to fix it except add a character behind the camera but wouldn’t like to do that I would like to fix it the proper way and not with a bandage but unsure how to do that.