Warning: PoseAsset XXX is out-of-date with its source animation

When playing or packaging in UE5 I am getting errors like this:

Warning: PoseAsset XXX is out-of-date with its source animation YYY

What does the warning mean and how do I fix it?

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same here.

Do you use a MetaHuman and assigned the Skeleton to the UEMannaquin? Since that I get errors and warnings. While packaging it also get an error because it is saying the PoseIndex is not valid (happening in an if-statement in the Pose Driver).

Yeah, I am also trying to use MetaHumans. I have retargeted UEMannequin animations on to the MetaHuman Skeleton.

I also have the same problem. There seems to be a way to resolve it. Go to your pose assets (the ones in the warning) and under Asset Details → Source Animation there is a button right of it where you can update source. The problem is it crashes randomly so it takes forever to update all sources. Therefore I just removed the source animation from all the poses and the warnings were gone.



I had the same issue, on over 500 poses, so fix them manually was a no go for me
I did instead a quick blueprint batch to do the job automatically, I past it here in case someone else need it
The main hint here is that the broken poses has an associated animation, sharing the same name with just a different post-fix: _pose for poses and _anim for animation source

So, here the blueprint

It is an AssetActionUtility, called by right clicking on all the poses assets → Scripted asset action

Hope it helps


This is great, thank you. I had like 800 metahuman files to fix and this solved my problem.

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God, is that you?


Thank you so much :grinning:

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First, thank you so much for this.

Second, if anyone is having trouble getting this to work in 5.1, simply make an Editor Utility Widget instead and create a button that runs the same exact function. The editor utility class is all messed up in 5.1


I updated all of the poses, but only on build does it still spit out warnings in regards the the PoseAssets being out of date. It is only affecting my Metahumans of course, but it doesn’t seem to actually be a problem when I run the exe. The Metahuman animates and functions just as it did in the editor. Is there something else that I could be doing wrong to still be getting these errors though?

I don’t uderstood where to use that exacly. Could you send an example print, pls??

Where to call it?

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@DeepwebsJohnWick Just create the AssetActionUtility and cook for windows. It just works! :smiley:

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@DeepwebsJohnWick yes, as @Original9Studios said, create a new AssetActionUtility and run it on all the poses that should be updated
About how to create an AssetsActionUtility I followed this tutorial


Hi! I can’t find the Update Pose From Animation node, any suggestion? thanks!

In case it helps people in the future, I wrote a Python script to fix this error. It’s very easy to run this in editor to fix all out of date poses.

# UE_FixOutOfDatePoseAssets.py
# Copyright (c) 2025 Xist.GG LLC
# LICENSE: MIT (free use for all including commercial)
# Problem: "Warning: PoseAsset XXX is out-of-date with its source animation YYY"
# Solution: Select the problematic assets (or folders containing the assets)
# in the UnrealEditor Content Browser, then in the UnrealEditor menu bar, select
# `Tools > Execute Python Script...` and select this script.
# Expects assets to be named in one of these formats:
#   foo_pose.uasset     <=> foo_anim.uasset
#   foo_pose_bar.uasset <=> foo_anim_bar.uasset
# (In other words, asset names must end in "_pose" and "_anim",
# or must contain "_pose_" and "_anim_").
# To set your project up to allow Python scripting:
# @see https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/scripting-the-unreal-editor-using-python

import unreal
import re

def update_pose(pose_asset:object, verbose:bool):
    pose_path = pose_asset.get_path_name()

    # Extract just the directory part of the pose asset path
    asset_dir = re.sub(r"(.*)/[^/]+$", r"\1", pose_path)
    # Extract just the name part of the pose asset path
    pose_name = re.sub(r".*\.([^.]+$)", r"\1", pose_path)

    # Compute the expected name of the matching animation asset
    anim_name = re.sub(r"(.+)_pose(_|$)", r"\1_anim\2", pose_name)
    # Compute the full path to the expected matching animation (in the same dir as the pose asset)
    anim_path = asset_dir + '/' + anim_name

    # Try to load the animation
    anim_asset = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.load_asset(anim_path)
    if not anim_asset or not isinstance(anim_asset, unreal.AnimSequence):
        unreal.log_error("Could not find animation asset for {} (tried: {})".format(pose_path, anim_path))
        return False

    if verbose: unreal.log('Updating {} using {}'.format(pose_name, anim_name))

    # For whatever reason, in UE 5.5 update_pose_from_animation doesn't mark the pose as dirty,
    # so here we will explicitly resave the assets, we can't tell if they changed or not.
    if unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.save_loaded_asset(pose_asset, only_if_is_dirty):
        if verbose: unreal.log('Saved ' + pose_path)
    return True

def main(verbose:bool):
    unreal.log('Collecting PoseAsset assets from Content Browser selection...')

    # Initialize poseAssets with any explicitly selected ones (array of asset objects)
    pose_assets = unreal.EditorUtilityLibrary.get_selected_assets_of_class(unreal.PoseAsset)

    # If specific folders are selected, recursively scan those for PoseAsset assets
    selected_folders = unreal.EditorUtilityLibrary.get_selected_folder_paths() \
        or unreal.EditorUtilityLibrary.get_selected_path_view_folder_paths()
    for asset_dir in selected_folders:
        asset_dir = asset_dir.removeprefix('/All')  # Is there an Unreal way to do this? :shrug:
        if not unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.does_directory_exist(asset_dir):
            unreal.log_warning('Asset folder does not exist: {}'.format(asset_dir))
        if verbose: unreal.log('Scanning folder: {}'.format(asset_dir))
        # Recursively list assets under this path
        for asset_path in unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.list_assets(asset_dir, True):
            asset = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.load_asset(asset_path)
            if asset and isinstance(asset, unreal.PoseAsset):

    # Print a report of what we found
    if verbose:
        unreal.log('Found {} pose assets:'.format(len(pose_assets)))
        for asset in pose_assets:
            unreal.log('  - ' + asset.get_name())

    # Update PoseAsset as needed
    num_errors = 0
    if len(pose_assets) > 0:
        with unreal.ScopedEditorTransaction("Update {} Poses".format(len(pose_assets))) as trans:
            with unreal.ScopedSlowTask(len(pose_assets), 'Updating Poses...') as slow_task:
                for asset in pose_assets:
                    if slow_task.should_cancel(): break
                    if not update_pose(asset, verbose):
                        num_errors += 1

    # Output a summary of what we did and whether there were errors
    if num_errors > 0:
        unreal.log_warning('Encountered {} total errors, check log for details.'.format(num_errors))
    unreal.log('Updated {} pose assets with {} errors.'.format(len(pose_assets), num_errors))

if __name__ == "__main__":
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