Warning No SignatureFunction in MulticastDelegateProperty '%s'

This error is breaking my blueprints.

I think I got there by creating an Event Dispatcher without setting the properties at an expected order. I cannot delete it or rename it.

Any solution? The blueprint is pretty big at the moment to consider remaking it.


Hello Villason,

I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. What version of the engine are you using?
  2. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  3. If so, could you provide a detailed set of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?

1 - 4.7.3.
2 - Yes I can.

  • Create two BP. Base and Base_Child, Base_Child based on Base.
  • Open both BPs.
  • Add an Event Dispatcher in Base.
  • Add an Event Dispatcher in Base_Child.
  • Add an Event Dispatcher in Base.
  • Save. Compile.
  • You cannot delete nor rename the Event Dispatcher in Base_Child.

I think I followed other steps in my case, but I think this is enough to help you finding the cause.


Hello Villason,

I was unable to reproduce this issue on our end with the steps provided. Are there any steps that may have been left out or that you may have done differently? Could you provide screen shots of how you have things set up as well?

I started with a fresh project.

Do not rename the event dispatchers. Do not save before the step.

Hope it helps.

Hello Villason,

After giving this issue another go I was able to reproduce this on our end. I have written up a report ( UE-13190) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for your time and information.

Make it a great day