no fixes online, no idea what to do… spent ages on this, don’t want to lose it now…
same problem here
what i did:
i´ve put a Spot Light under the Spring Arm, made is state to Static, not movable. Then i recognized that i can´t move anymore. I´ve put back the light state to movabel and the the Message: “Spring Arm has to be Movabel” appears in the output log. Restarting the engine without saving was the only thing that i could do to refix this…
Select the problematic object in your scene.
Create a matinee actor then add a new empty group in tracks
then R click on the new group that you just made and click on Actors then Add selected actors this should set the mobility to your object back to mobile… Hope it will work for you it worked for me!
Select the problematic object in your scene. Create a matinee actor then add a new empty group in tracks then R click on the new group that you just made and click on Actors then Add selected actors this should set the mobility to your object back to mobile… Hope it will work for you it worked for me!
I had the same problem, but with a static mesh. I had a blueprint which contained multiple copies of the mesh.
Now in the beginning the blueprint could just be moved. Then I notices that not all subcomponents were set to movable, so I set everything to movable. But then I got this warning every time I moved the blueprint.
In the end I reconstructed the blueprint from scratch and replaced the old blueprint with it. Then my problem was gone. So seems like a bug in Unreal Engine.
I also stumbled across this problem and found no real explanation online. In retrospect, it is quite basic. I tried creating a C++ class for opening a door. It simply rotated it a bit along its Y-axis and it created the exact same error message as yours. Here’s how i fixed it:
1)Click on the object that you need
2)Go to details
3)Click on "Open Selection in Property Matrix
4)Expand the “Mobility” Tab
5)Click on Movable.
This fixed the problem for me. I hope it works for others too.
Okay, I’m a little late but I found a solution. Add a cube to for example the mesh and set it to static, put the camera boom into the static cube, then when’s the cameraboom in the cube set the mobility of the cube from static to movable then just remove the cameraboom