Warning issue !

hello to all , does anyone know about this warning ?
I updated from ue5.1 to ue5.1.1 And this warning shows up !

Hey there @meran-99! Welcome back to the community! Are you using scene captures and VSMs together? If so it seems like the error is warning you that you may need to alter the settings of the scene capture as listed.

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hello @SupportiveEntity thanks for the answering , yes i use VSM and scenecapture but when i enable these sitting that shown in the warning my fps drop from 120fps to around 90fps . Do you have any solution for that ?

It’s dependent on how you’re using the screen captures, if you aren’t using them constantly you could just ignore this warning, or instantiate them when necessary. VSMs could have rare artifacts or some caching issues could occur. Likely in the form of visual artifacts on shadows.

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