I was working on my senior project when my computer crashed. When i went to reopen my project the scene i was working in is no longer in the content browser. I can see the .umap in my folder but the project cant find it! Please let me know if anyone has gone through this before!
output log:
LoadErrors: New page: Loading map: Arcadia_v03.umap
LogWorld: UWorld::CleanupWorld for Untitled, bSessionEnded=true, bCleanupResources=true
LogSlate: InvalidateAllWidgets triggered. All widgets were invalidated
MapCheck: New page: Map Check
LightingResults: New page: Lighting Build
LogAudio: Display: Audio Device unregistered from world 'None'.
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 1.09ms
LogSlate: Window 'Message' being destroyed
Message dialog closed, result: Ok, title: Message, text: Failed to find the world in already loaded world package /Game/Arcadia_v03! See log for more details.
LogReferenceChain: Package /Game/Arcadia_v03 is not currently reachable.
LogEditorServer: Warning: Failed to find the world in already loaded world package /Game/Arcadia_v03! Referenced by:
Package /Game/Arcadia_v03 is not currently reachable.
Same issue here, but I’m using UE5 Early Access. “Failed to find the world in already loaded world package /Game/Maps/KarczmaPodgrodzie! See log for more details.” I can see the .umap in the file explorer, but not in the content browser. Still can’t find the solution
Shut down Unreal and, using Windows Explorer, move the problematic umap file to another folder.
Afterwards, copy a backup of the umap file into the same project folder.
Fire up Unreal again. You should see the old umap file in Unreal’s Browser too.
Shut Unreal down again and copy the problematic umap file back to where it was, overwriting the backup one.
Launch Unreal and the right umap file should be generated in Unreal’s Browser.
I just had this happen to me and nothing is working. Has anyone found a solution? Im doing a solo project and have 400+ hours and over 6 months worth put into this. Also, i dont need the beating about making back ups please. im kicking myself big time on this already.
This same thing has happened to me yesterday, I didn’t put as many hours into it but my project I was working on is due today for a uni module. It’s very frustrating, and I can’t find the answer, this thread is over 3 years old but no one seems to have any answers about how to really solve this problem. I don’t suppose you have had any luck yet?
especially with a senior project! It sounds like the scene might have been corrupted or lost due to the crash. You could try verifying the project files, or re-linking the .umap manually in Unreal’s Content Browser. Sometimes clearing intermediate files or rebuilding the project also helps. If you’re still stuck, you might want to restore from backups, if you have any.
And speaking of backups, if you’re ever looking for a smooth, hassle-free way to relax after troubleshooting these issues, Freecine TV box is a great way to unwind with your favorite movies and shows!
I’ve just had the exact same problem. So much time and work lost because of a stupid crash. I can’t believe UE5 can corrupt an entire Level like this and reading so many comment, it seems like there is no solution.
I need to learn version control because UE5 is so unstable (and I have a high end PC - 13900k 128gb DDR5 6200 Ram, 3090FE, 12tb NVME etc etc) that I can’t lose this much time and work.