I upgraded my project from 4.15 to 4.20. But now, I am getting the warning dialog below when app launches on iOS. What can be wrong with this? It is somehow trying to read wrong file right? How can I fix this?
Default Property warnings and errors:
Error: CDO Constructor
(CineCameraComponent): Failed to find /Engine/EngineDebugMaterials/M_SimpleTranslucent.M_SimpleTranslucent
Things that I already tried are:
Clearing Intermediate and Saved folders.
Tried setting bDontLoadBlueprintOutsideEditor to false
Ok found it! Recently I’ve put a PakBlacklist-Shipping document inside Build > Android which was excluding debug materials. Since I’ve found the base blacklist over the internet, I didn’t know what it was excluding.
After some hours of digging, removed the line end the error is gone. Unfortunately around 5 MB added to final Android build.