Wanting to Create a Game

Hello everyone, recently a friend and I had come up with an idea for a game. Well long story short, I really don’t know where to begin in all honesty, this game could have huge potential if executed properly. It is planned to have great detail and story and action but I need help. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be fantastic. Please and thank you in advance.

Hi SgtFlippy,

Welcome to the forums

You’ve said my trigger words “Idea” and “Execution” :robot: :beers: :cook:

Ideas are easy, execution is hard.

Where to begin? My advice is to begin with video tutorials. If you don’t have a second monitor, get one. Video tutorial up on one screen, follow along in-editor on the other.

Start small, finish something. (What can you make in a weekend?, a week?)

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The direction depends on your current time experience in the engine from all aspects.
So what is your experience in the engine , tell me an example or time you have spent in the engine?

Hey @XxSgtxFlippyxX! Welcome to the Forums!

I have a few notes to add on:

Your best course of action is to start at the beginning. What I mean by that is do not worry about the grand story or the cool bosses or the finale, focus on your core mechanics. Start small. Is it 2D? 3D? First or third person? What is the main gameplay feature, your core that makes your game fun?

Once these ideas are brewing start a Game Design Document. This will outline your features, your story, your timeline in a short sweet, bullet pointed way. It should cover your budget and your timeline. Fortunately there are plenty of templates floating around for game design documents so take advantage!

Last but most importantly, do not make this game. Yet. Start a lot smaller. Make mini games to practice your mechanics that you want to pull off. Enter some game jams and make some small simple games and see if you can put a few of your core mechanics in, so you can expand upon them later. They can all be in different projects, but the important thing is that you can pull them off. Again, start small.

Once you are confident you have the foundation for what you want to make, then and only then is it time to create your game. It will be a long and arduous process, but having the fundamentals will make sure the project does not die, and you don’t burn out and waste your idea or get anything but pride once you are finished.

Hope this helps, and I hope you can get your game completed and shipped!