I’d like to make a soundcue which contains continuing beep sound.
(simple example. beeping sound of C4 in CSGO)
In a specific time, I wanna make continuous beeping sound but it goes to higher and more frequently.
I knew the concatenator node in soundcue capable to play sound one by one.
So I put these waves and nodes to concatenator.
(1)beep -
(2)beep - delay 2 - loop 10
(3)beep - delay 1 - loop 10
(4)beep - delay .3 - loop 5
I wanna make this play 1-2-3-4 but… it doesn’t work properly.
Thank you for commentary. i didn’t reallize the setting step i wrote looks sucks ;(
First of all, my goal was that setting this up and it works in sound cue by itself.
I tried to make tense c4 sound by one beep sound but using sound cue nodes…
If i’ve done w/ the interval set, then I was supposed to think about the pitch.
Anyway thanks for help! and BP as well. I’ll try with that!