Basically what happens is that if there is a wall that is on the side of a slope and a player moves the character so that he slides on the slope against the wall, the character may get stuck and or jitter at certain points during the sliding at which point to move again you would need to either jump or force your way out of the collision in some fashion. There is also a problem that I think maybe related to the step height of the character movement where if a character is moving downward on a slope against the wall, the character will slide on the wall and be floating above the slope until the player moves the character out again.
I have tried exporting these exact meshes to a new project and testing it with the default TPP Character and this is somewhat reproducible.
There’s no jittering there but there are certain points where the player does still get stuck.
As for the floating while sliding it was reproducible in a new project by setting up an incline floor and having the wall rotated a bit away from the character.
I’m trying to make a platformer and it would be ideal if the player wouldn’t get stuck on certain edge cases of multi-plane/object collision.
I was able to reproduce the floating while sliding down the wall. I have entered it as JIRA UE-43321 and our developers will be investigating further. Follow that link to monitor the status of the report.
However, I haven’t experienced any jittering and/or getting hung at any point while sliding. Could you provide a small test project and repro steps?
Here are the fbx files of the incline ramp and wall. Drag both of these into any new project scale them out and test with TPP character. Make sure to walk/run at every angle towards the wall, the stuttering/jittering usually occurs near where the edges of the face of the wall intersect the ramp. If it doesn’t reproduce with that, then I’ll make a small project using my character and those files.
Using your assets, I was still unable to reproduce the jittering effect. However, you might be seeing the issue because of the collision.
How are you creating the collision for the ramp and wall? I didn’t see where the .fbx files included any custom collision. So for testing I generated some inside the editor and also tried ‘Use Complex as Simple’ (which we don’t recommend because it can become taxing and doesn’t have the best collision/physics performance). Both worked fine on my end.
Maybe try using custom collision and see if the jittering goes away?
If not, feel free to upload the test project you mentioned.
I used “Use Complex as Simple” option for all the models in the level. From what I’ve noticed game tick wise, it’s not really demanding, maybe if the objects were extremely high poly then sure, but in this case there doesn’t seem to be any drop in performance. As for the jittering I found that it disappeared after I rescaled my character in blender to be his original size, setting his scale back to 1.0 in ue4 and adjusted his capsule height and radius. The jittering comes back though if the capsule height is too low to the point where the character’s feet moves into the surface, even slightly, so for now I have to deal with a slight bit of hovering.