HI All
Just a quick question, I setup a 100m plank and timed myself. I only used the basic setup. According my my results, I ran a block of 10000 units long. It took me roughly 17-18 seconds which translate to about 20-21km/p.
Why is this a standard setting? How to I reduce this to 4-5 km/p which matches up to real life?
Hello ,
As to why this was the default choice, it is just a medium range at which they found suitable. This is easily editable within the “Defaults” tab of the “MyCharacter” blueprint.
In the “Content Browser” find your character blueprint and open it. Then under the “Defaults” tab, type walk into the search field. You will see multiple values which control different things about your characters walking function. Use the image provided as reference on how and where to change the walk speed.
Defaults of MyCharacter Blueprint
Cheers, thank you for that.
Cheers, thank you for that