Walkable Slope Behaviour on a physics (dynamic) mesh

Hello guys! I hope all is well!

I’m bad at explaining so bare with me.

When a player walks around and gets to a slope, it will walk up the slope. There is a limit to that slope angle which means the player will not be able to walk up it.
Imagine a treadmill on an angle and the character walking along it. When the treadmill reaches a slope angle that is too high, the character slides off. If the character tries to get back on, the treadmill acts like a wall and blocks it.

UE4 calls ‘walkable slope angle’ and is available for characters. I was wondering if I could achieve this for an object that isn’t a character?

Basically, I have a sphere that has a 45° wall being moved into it. In reality the ball will travel up the slope of the wall, but in UE4 the ball moves as if its a 90° wall. Slope angle will fix this but I don’t want it to be on a movable character, just on a dynamic mesh.

Thanks for any help!