Hello i am following a Udemy course for a counter strike shooter by PixelHelmet and i have run into an issue that i have yet to find a solution to. In the course we set up a walk to be activated on a keypress. Everything works fine except when moving back with S from Idle. So if i am already running and press walk it works perfectly but if i am in an idle state and press walk there is like about 1 second delay until it start moving back. The code for crouch and walk is exactly the same but the issue is not happening on crouch. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Any help would be appreciated. If you see anythings wrong with this code i would really like to have this sorted before i get to far into my project.
At least any tips for solving it. Would it be stemming from my input action mapping or would it be player code itself(posted) i can add images if the input map if that helps? Should i seperate out the movement inputs for wasd? I feel if that was the issue it would be happening on other movement.
I fixed it, It had nothing to do with my code. ALT+S is the shortcut for simulate and it was interfering with my game for a second before it passed my shortcut for walk. So for anyone in the future running into issues with ALT+S binds having delayed results in the play editor this is the reason. Simply go to editor preference>search simulate>find play world (pie/sie) and remove or rebind simulate. And your hotkey should work fine then.
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