Waiting for server to start?

From my projectLauncher log

[2017.02.02-04.58.18:332][ 0]SourceControl: Info Source control is disabled
[2017.02.02-04.58.19:662][ 0]LogUObjectArray: 33773 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
[2017.02.02-04.58.19:670][ 0]LogUObjectAllocator: 7540672 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
[2017.02.02-04.58.19:681][ 0]LogUObjectArray: CloseDisregardForGC: 0/0 objects in disregard for GC pool
[2017.02.02-04.58.19:691][ 0]LogInit: Executing Class /Script/UnrealEd.CookCommandlet
[2017.02.02-04.58.19:702][ 0]LogInit: Initializing Editor Engine…
[2017.02.02-04.58.19:713][ 0]LogEngine: Initializing Engine…
[2017.02.02-04.58.19:884][ 0]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world Untitled
[2017.02.02-04.58.19:918][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache: Saved boot cache 0.03s 50MB C:/Users//AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.14/DerivedDataCache/Boot.ddc.
[2017.02.02-04.58.19:929][ 0]LogInit: Texture streaming: Disabled
[2017.02.02-04.58.20:029][ 0]LogInit: Initializing Editor Engine Completed
[2017.02.02-04.58.20:943][ 0]LogCook:Display: memory allowance for cook 16384mb min free memory 0mb
[2017.02.02-04.58.20:948][ 0]LogCook:Display: Mobile HDR setting 0
[2017.02.02-04.58.21:093][ 0]LogCook:Display: Done creating registry. It took 0.13s.
[2017.02.02-04.58.23:676][ 0]LogCook:Display: Sandbox cleanup took 2.574 seconds
[2017.02.02-04.58.23:703][ 0]LogCook:Display: Generated asset registry size is 870.86kb
[2017.02.02-04.58.23:835][ 0]LogFileServer:Warning: Unreal Network File Server starting up…
[2017.02.02-04.58.23:846][ 0]LogInit: WinSock: I am Siri (
[2017.02.02-04.58.23:864][ 0]LogFileServer:Display: Unreal Network File Server is ready for client connections on!
[2017.02.02-04.58.23:875][ 0]LogCookCommandlet:Display: GC…
<>c__DisplayClass62_0.b__0: Waiting for server to start…
adb: Starting: Intent { cmp=com.YourCompany.Game/com.epicgames.ue4.SplashActivity }
<>c__DisplayClass62_0.b__0: Waiting for server to start…

The question…
Waiting for server to start, what does that mean?
At the same time on my phone the splash screen just like waiting, but it just stops there…


Could you please upload the full error output logs from the engine or the device? I need to know exactly when this is happening and whether or not you have steps to reproduce the issue?

Thank you!


I created the match3 project and didn’t change anything on that project.
I start the Project Launcher to deploy the game on my Android device.
Everything seems ok. But when it comes to the Deploy-stage the splash screen starts on the device, but after that nothing happens… And the message “Waiting for server to start…” is shoving. I don’t understand anything.

Byt the way… no problems to play in editor.

Added the log from the launcher [link text][1]

124730-projectlauncher.log (52.4 KB)


Thank you for elaborating on the issue you are you experiencing. UE-40661 has been entered for this issue. If you’d like to get around it, please use the Android launch on feature outside of the Project Launcher, or simply file > package project > Android.

Thank you!