Started working on a bathroom to get more familiar with the modeling tools & adding/creating new textures & materials.
Looks clean! I remember seeing your lovely Creative interiors on Twitter like your kitchen. How does it feel making similar builds in UEFN vs original Creative? What’s easier and what do you miss? I def prefer the UEFN interface, personally.
Thank you!
I love the interface of UEFN & all the little settings. Im getting used to them for sure! The only thing thats a little more difficult is learning the little tricks. After learning a little about textures and material it became a little easier. But I find creating tiles, custom walls etc, was fairly easy to learn and get used too. Also I wish you can place a new mesh, & duplicate it, make changes without it chaning the other duplicates. im sure there is a way to change that but i havent figured that out yet lol
Ya there is so much to learn, it’s fun to dig in! I’m starting to get into materials now too. I had already learned a little about how to create/customize materials in Blender, and I know I can apply materials to my model in Blender first before importing into UEFN, but I also want to create materials in UEFN without Blender, because it seems useful to be able to create and paint materials in the space where the asset will ultimately be viewed. Still experimenting with my workflow
Looking forward to seeing more creations from you!