VXGI for Sequencer

Does vxgi work with sequencer? i mess with the settings in my cine camera but it looks different between the viewport and render image from camera.

and second question, how do you set the viewport to show your image to look exactly with the image that will be rendered, i notice sometimes its different.

I haven’t tried the VXGI build of unreal yet
but my guess would be exposure settings on your camera for what you’re looking at

yess thank you, the exposure need to be set.

but my vxgi bounces is still not showing :frowning:

Render pass use. İ use vxal spec and diffuse vxao its working. add render pass and composite after effect

Yeahh it was the pass, my bad thanks :slight_smile:

hey anybody knows why sometime vxgi wont read a skeletal mesh? Like when i switch to my vxgi buffer vis it doesn’t make voxels for my skeletal mesh and i checked the materials to use with vxgi, is there a factor that im missing?

thanks in advance